Straighten Your Teeth With Clear Aligners

Many adults don’t have the chance to pursue orthodontics when they are young. So there’s no reason to feel self-conscious about pursuing treatment now. We offer clear aligners from SureSmile. These aligners are an easy way of straightening your teeth without anyone noticing. Plus, you can see results before you begin treatment, thanks to our Outcome Simulator.

Here’s how it works:

  • You come in for a consultation, so can examine your alignment, oral health, and overall health.
  • If you are a good candidate for aligners, your dentist will use digital scans to capture impressions of your teeth. This information is used to create your aligners.
  • Your aligners are made at a special lab. You’ll return to our office to pick up your aligners. You’ll need to wear them for 20 to 22 hours per day. You’ll be able to remove them for meals and oral hygiene.
  • We’ll have you come back for regular progress checkups. Your visit will be far more comfortable than you’d experience with traditional braces. No tightening of wires!
  • In about 12 to 18 months, your treatment will be complete, and your smile will be beautiful.

Address Airway Problems With Advanced Orthodontic Treatment

One of the benefits of visiting our practice is our cutting-edge treatment techniques. We use Vivos, which is not your typical orthodontic solution. It’s a specialized oral appliance that can promote proper growth and development in both children and adults. This customized oral appliance will:

  • Correct issues in your jaw that lead to misalignment, poor bite, and related problems
  • Ensure that your teeth fit together properly
  • Enhance airway function and promote better breathing
  • Achieve proper alignment in your head and neck for reduced pain and discomfort

Vivos therapy requires specialized training and expertise, which very few providers offer. Our commitment to your health leads us to invest in this treatment to better your long-term wellness.

Call 732-422-5122 for orthodontics in Somerset. You can also ​​schedule online.